On Vacation Again… part 1

We arrived in Sunny California yesterday (Thursday) and headed south to San Diego. Apparently San Diego is south of LA…. I didn’t know that before yesterday but apparently it practically touches Mexico – who knew? Just something I learned that I thought I’d share with my interested readers! There are so few things I don’t know – especially about geography – so it’s nice when I can be enlightened and in turn, enlighten those around me. You’re welcome.

Anyway, we went to visit our friend Bahram who showed us a great time all around the area. He took us to La Jolla (where we’re definitely going to move once we stumble on a big sack of galleons), which was really wonderful, and to Del Mar to see the sun set. To close out the night he took us to a wonderful restaurant called Chart House which sat right on the beach (near where he lives) where Frank tried (and seemed to enjoy) calamari and closed out the night with the most delicious chocolate lava cake we’d ever had. It was filled and covered with Godiva liquor, which we learned makes everything more delicious, so you all know what I’d like for my birthday next year!

Today we visited Disneyland and California Adventure today. Frank is, of course, a Disney park expert so he showed me around. We visited my friend Ralph (hi Ralph!!!) at the Aladdin show where he did a wonderful job! They’re lucky to have such a talented performer in their ensemble! We also saw the new Nemo ride which was super duper cute!

Finally, we made it to Burbank for the triathlon kick-off dinner (which was delicious – especially the cake) and then to our hotel (yawn) for the night.

I don’t really understand time travel and the zoning of time but I do know that it makes me sleepy! G’night!

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